Mmm. I love me some Wednesday.
The week is halfway over my friends! And to celebrate, why not participate in another What I'm Loving Wednesday with Jamie.
1). I'm LOVING Gwynnie. First, she showcased the talent of her vocal chords at this year's CMAs. Then, she was a guest star on Glee. Not only is she classically beautiful and talented, but she's quite funny. Major girl crush.
2). I'm LOVING Crate and Barrel Holiday Chargers for $4.95 each. Yes please. (I picked up a couple to add some pizazz to a bridal shower I'm co-hosting...)
3). I'm LOVING the bridesmaid dresses I'm going to be sporting in 2011. (Pending the loss of holiday back fat and love handles.)
4). I'm LOVING cookies. I mean, I've always loved cookies but I can't help but go overboard during the holidays. And lucky for me (but not lucky for #3), I'm attending a COOKIE SWAP this weekend!!!
5). I'm LOVING my husband. Especially the kooky things he does i.e. placing whole chickens in his gym bag. (P.S. Mr Ruby is not LOVING the fact that I dedicate at least one post a week to his goofy antics)
This is what I catch my husband doing for long periods at a time...usually when he's supposed to be cleaning, working, or being productive.
Yes, this is exactly what it looks like. My hubby set up the camera on a rock, used the self-timer, and caught himself "candidly" running. (He took this for his profile for a running social networking site.) So cute! ;)
ubI love those bridesmaid dresses...SO pretty!
Those bridesmaid dresses are gorgeous!! You are so lucky to be a maid for such stylish brides. :)
I love GP, too! Did you see her on Chelsea Handler's interview special? She was so cute.
I LOVE the first bridemaid dress! Where is it from?
Those are gorgeous bridesmaids dresses! And your hubs is adorable with his running picture!
Love the bridesmaids dresses. Both are so different and unique!
Haha, your husband cracks me up! If I were you, I'd have a serious six pack from laughing at him all the time! :)
Great things to LOVE :) I love those bridesmaids dresses
Thanks for playing along!
Those dresses are beautiful!
I just made some chocolate chip cookies tonight and they were delicious!
I love those charger plates!!!
Those BM dresses are so beautiful!
Ok, why did I never get to be in weddings with bridesmaid dresses like that?!? For real, so pretty! You could really, actually wear them again. I would!
Love me some C&B hioliday chargers--I just got my catalog last night=dangerous.
And who knew Gwyneth was such a cute little singer? I loved her on the CMAs! Totally unexpectedly good!
Gwen is such a triple threat! Singing, dancing, and acting? Holy cow! :)
OMG I am so taking a picture of myself like that, hahha!
And I puffy heart those chargers. Gorgeous.
I'm loving cookies too... Well, any baked goods really.
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