Happy Friday Lovelies!
I've been wanting to play Fill in the Blank Friday for awhile now, but life keeps getting in the way. You know how it is. But feel free to link up and play along with totally awesome Lauren!
1. Holiday spirit is SO contagious! I can't help but just be holly and jolly this time of year. The minute I wake up the day after Thanksgiving, I'm instantly in the Christmas mood. Although this year is a little different, Mr. Ruby and I spend the evening decorating, listening to Christmas music, and sharing a bottle of wine. ;) .
2. The holidays are incomplete without Eggnog, Christmas movies (i.e. Christmas Vacation, Love Actually, and A Christmas Story), holiday cards hung all over the fridge,the smell of baked goods and mulling spices, family, cookies, gives-me-major-road-rage holiday traffic, and a Christmas tree .
3. My favorite things to do around the holidays is attending all the fun holiday parties and gift exchanges. My past favorites include a scarf swap and ornament exchange. This year, I'm going to a cookie swap, and a Yankee Swap (we call it White Elephant Exchange back home) where we're buying cheesy items that are "As Seen on TV" or can be ordered on QVC or SkyMall (think the Snuggie or denim pajamas) .
4. A holiday tradition my family and I have is playing board games and laughing so hard my sides hurt for days. I also used to LOVE staying up past my bedtime with my dad watching Magoo's Christmas Carol and Frosty the Snowman every.single.year. However, Mr. Ruby and I started out own traditions when we got married. My favorite is when we blow up the air mattress, put it in the living room, and sleep next to the Christmas tree .
5. Holiday music is what really gets me in the spirit! I have my favorite three rotating CDs that I've had since high school: Mariah Carey, Jessica Simpson, and NSYNC. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Trans Siberian Orchestra.
6. This year, I'll be spending the holidays moving...again. This is our third Christmas (out of five) as a married couple where we have moved during the holidays. No fun! Our very first Christmas together, not only did I have a severe case of the stomach monster where I threw up for 24 hours straight, but we were in the process of moving to Dallas. Then, the next Christmas, my company moved us to Rhode Island. This year, we are driving back home to Kansas...more on this soon (I promise!)But the good news? We actually get to spend Christmas with all of our FAMILY this year!!!!
7. Holiday wish list Books: Nineteen Minutes, the Harry Potter series, The Cornerstone Classroom Management Guide(and many more) * The Kindle * Sparkly Toms (gasp) I know. After all the fun I've poked at Mr. Ruby for his love of Toms. * Gift Certificates for me to buy teacher clothes! * This necklace (including initials) .
Go ahead a link up with Lauren to play along!
Happy WEEKENDING!!! :)
i loved reading you answers! i, too, think Christmas music is the bes!
oh and good luck moving :)
Wine!! that's what I was missing from my holiday decorating...that is one mistake I will not make again:)
I love your number 3, I love gift exchanging!
Love your answers! I'm thinking I will need splarkly toms too...they are the best teacher shoes! lol!
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