The time has finally arrived.
Everything has fallen into its proper place, and it is now safe to reveal the Ruby News.
And to put all assumptions to rest ASAP...I'm not pregnant.
But it is a huge change, and our lives are going to be completely different in just a few days. We are moving. And we're gonna go right ahead and click those ruby red heels to get us all the way back to KANSAS!!!!!!! That's right. We are moving back HOME!!!
It all still feels very surreal. And the past few months have been bombarded with questions, decisions, lots of prayer, job searches, and breakdowns. But the Good Lord pulled through like he does every.single.time and is now putting us back right where we belong: Home.
Originally, it was just going to be me moving back for awhile. This was a very tough decision with an extremely complicated explanation. But I was going to move back, live with my parents, and student teach back home...while Mr. Ruby stayed here and continued to look for jobs. And long distance isn't exactly my favorite thing in the world.
But in an unexpected blink-of-an-eye-whirlwind, Mr. Ruby was flown home, interviewed, returned back, and offered a job with an amazing company...all in the span of 3 days. And that was it. Just like that, our prayers had been answered beyond what we could have ever expected. And now, we are moving.
Now, of course this is exciting and what we have always wanted and desired. It's so hard to believe that everything has fallen into place. (Makes me feel guilty for ever losing faith...).
But right alongside, tagging along with all this excitement and giddiness is a deep sadness. We are leaving behind three of the best years of our entire lives. We are leaving behind the best friends we have ever made. We are leaving behind a little piece of our hearts.
I'm truly dealing with a heap of emotions, and until I sort them all out, I'm not ready to blog about them.
So for now, I will simply give thanks and celebrate that we were given the wonderful opportunity to move back home.
So here's to exciting changes to come in 2011. Cheers!!!
Taken the night we received the good news!

Congrats!! How wonderful for you!!
I'm so thrilled for you! I know that it will be hard to leave your Rhody Family, but, what a blessing to be able to be back in Kansas together.
AHHH!!! Congrats congrats!!! This is so exciting :)
aww, congratulations!! that is SO exciting!!
Wow, so exciting! So glad that it is working out!
Congratulations! What a great opportunity for you! :)
Like your blog says it best, There's No Place Like Home!!!
Congrats! So excited for you! It's just amazing how perfectly things work out!
Oh Congratulations to Mr Ruby! I'm SO happy for you!!!
I'm soo happy you are moving close to home! WE can finally see each other on a more "normal" basis! I know its still hard to leave everyone behind, but I know your Kansas Friends are looking forward to it!!!
How exciting for yall! Congratulations!
Congratulations! Isn't it amazing how God works! And to think that, for all the times we have an 'aha moment' and think we know why/how things worked out the way they did, there is so much more of his plan that we will never know! Pretty neat :-)
yay! Congrats!
So I've known since Thanksgiving when Camdin spilled the beans! So excited for you! And maybe we can get together once you're back and settled!
Awww, look at your two!! This is just AWESOME news!! I bet it is very bittersweet, as you'll be leaving... however you'll always have the memories of the last 3 years :-) Congrats to both of you-- when are you moving (did I miss that in the post)? Tell KS hi from me!! I miss it dearly ;-)
Aw!!! Yay! Well that's great news!! Congrats!
How exciting for you two! Congrats and good luck moving on to the next chapter of your lives!
congrats! that's great news!
What an amazing change!!! Congratulations! Wishing you all the best :)
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