There is so much I'm LOVING on this "feels like" -11° Wednesday!
1). I'm LOVING that it's, you guessed it, another SNOW DAY! I slept in until 9 am (which I haven't done in about 6 months), and I'm trying to drink lots of water and rest because my body is FIGHTING something nasty in my rattling chest.
2). I'm LOVING that the topic of every conversation lately has been homeowners stuff. I feel like such an adult. (It's about time, right?)
3). I'm LOVING step aerobics. Well, it probably doesn't constitute as "LOVING" since I've only been once. But what a workout - my calves have been sore for 3 days. Oh, and I was definitely "that" girl who had no idea what she was doing...I tried to keep up. But instead, I just kept flailing my arms, kicking in the wrong direction, and tripping over my step. HA! Practice makes perfect...hopefully???

4). I'm LOVING this dining room table from World Market. This picture does not do it justice, but it's perfectly worn and fits the cottage style we love so much. I guess we just need to get the house first...

5). I'm LOVING World Market. (See number 4 above). No seriously, Mr. Ruby and I loved every.single.thing. in the entire store. And there are awesome membership perks if you sign up...we get 10% off our next purchase, which will be a pretty nice discount on a dining room set!

6). I'm LOVING all things organic! Ok, maybe not all things. I mean, that's not hardly practical. But we are really trying to buy more organic items, especially milk, veggies, fruits, and chicken. This is a whole other blog post in itself...but I'm still trying to educate myself on the topic.

Good luck with the house...as "new" homeowners, I know exactly what you are going through! It's so fun!
And thank you for reminding me about World Market. We are just now decorating our house and I always for get about their great finds!
Lucky duck for having a snow day! I am terrible at any classes that involve me moving a certain way while doing something else. I have zero coordination!
I love the step aerobic class that I take! It is such a good workout. I am always sweating when I leave!
WHAT a great list of things to love! :)
We eat organic too! Our entire family has managed to stay healthy for the ENTIRE winter (so far..knock on wood)! And we live in Minnesota! That includes no runny noses, coughs, or colds! Seriously incredible! The only thing that has changed is we went organic. We make our own bread, drink raw-unprocessed milk, organic eggs, and veggies that we canned from our garden! We will NEVER go back!
I want to start Zumba! Have you ever gone? I need to start a work out routine ASAP I just dont know where to start! :) Maybe i'll look for a step program around here, if you really love it :)
I'm always worried I'd be "that girl" in a class too! :)
Have a good snow day!
i wish we had a world market here! i'm gonna check it out online. love that table!
Hi I'm your newest follower and I'm a teacher too!! I am such a huge fan of world market!!
Oh I love World Market!! They have great stuff!
Jealous you got to sleep in! Rest up girl and stay well!
I have an award for you over at my blog!
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