The Hallmark holiday created to spike the sales of roses, chocolates, cards, and ridiculously-priced restaurants.
Cynical much?
To be honest, I actually really enjoy Valentine's Day. I always have. I love me some red, pink and white colored EVERYTHING. And some of my most favorite memories are from grade school days with homemade valentine boxes and excuses to give love notes to the cutest boy in class.
And now that I'm a (almost) teacher, I get to spread the love to my STUDENTS. So exciting!
So, I spent some of my weekend putting together little valentine goodies for the kiddos, and a special little gift for my host teacher. Awesome trip down memory lane.
What did you do this weekend? Any preparations for V-Day? Feel free to join in on Memoir Monday!!! :)
I bet the kids are so excited. I loved having all the in-school parties for Valentine's Day. I finally stopped slacking and followed along with Memoir Monday on my own blog. You motivated me to do it! Happy V-Day!
Have fun today with your little guys!! Happy Valentine's Day!!
Sounds like fun! Have fun! :o)
Happy valentines! I bet it's so fun with the kids, I loved exchanging them in school!
Your goodies are super cute!!
Aw, how cute and fun! Happy Valentine's Day!
My little third graders were so fun and hyped up today! It was fun but glad this holiday only comes once a year...Happy Valentine's Day!
I LOVE schools on holidays, I think it is all of the candy and cake associated with the celebration! I was in the schools Monday and it was soo cute how excited they were for their parties!
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