Another Sunday.
I'm not quite sure why I dislike Sundays...even more than Mondays. I've seriously been like that since high school. I get little mini panic attacks thinking about the upcoming week.
Yes, I'm aware that I'm neurotic.
Well, it was a pretty low-key weekend. Mr. Rubes and I went out to dinner at the most adorable little little Italian restaurant on Friday night.
We spent another rainy Saturday with friends at the movie theatre. The girls went to see "The Proposal" - SO cute and funny! Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds make quite the duo.
Then this morning, Mr. Ruby and I decided to try another little hole-in-the-wall breakfast place. We heard amazing reviews about this one downtown...so we tried it. Delicious. We love experiencing the local flare. One of our favorite things to do. :)

This weekend has been nice because I feel almost 100% back to myself and have restored my health. I was terribly sick this week and actually took a sick day for the first time EVER. I had a sinus infection, bronchitis, and an ear infection. So miserable. I think my body was just repaying me for how I've treated it the past few weeks. I flew to Kansas, got very little sleep, flew to Vegas, got absolutely no sleep, and on the way home I sat next to a woman who coughed and sneezed all over me. Not to mention I've been super duper stressed at work.
But, my second ZPack has kicked in and I'm feeling so much better! Thanks for all the get well wishes...I think they helped! ;)
I leave you with some of the fun pics from last week in Vegas. I went with one of my best buds from work, and not only was the conference amazing, but we had a pretty fun time ourselves.
We stayed at the Paris Hotel
Outside of the Venetian Hotel
Night on the Town
A little sightseeing at the Bellagio
A little waterfall action at Tryst
We were obsessed with the Wynn Hotel
I got to see one of my BEST FRIENDS during my four hour layover in Denver
I hope everyone has a very happy week!!!
I think the difference is that on Mondays you're actually experiencing the start of the work week, and can actually deal with it. But Sundays, you're thinking about it, but there's not a lot you can do to stop it from coming.
I love that you always look so happy in your pictures!
Glad youre feeling better!!
the Proposal made me want to move to Alaska, the scenery was fabulous
Love vegas!!!!! I go there at least once a year!
So glad you had such a nice weekend! Glad you are feeling better!
You look wonderful in those Vegas pics! Can you believe I've never been?? Sad.
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