Coming back from home is always quite difficult.
Mr. Ruby and I had an extremely short, but very wonderful trip home to Kansas. We got to see our parents, some friends, and attend a sorority sister's wedding. All of that jam-packed into 3 days.
So worth it.
The trip started off with a pretty smooth plane ride. But, we knew things were going a bit too smoothly...and our luck kicked in by the second leg of the trip.
As we were getting ready to board next flight, we noticed a funny smell coming from what we thought was outside the airplane. Once we stepped onto the plane, we realized that we were in for a long, stinky, and quite nauseating ride.
I think someone forgot to shower for the entire month of May and then decided to roll in a vat of rotting onions.
We looked around and noticed that everyone was turning blue and holding their noses, doing everything in their power to keep from passing out.
It was so disgusting.
Oh, and what do you know? Of course the gentleman sitting in the isle across from us was the culprit. Mr. Ruby decided to spend the majority of the plane ride with his nose in an empty bag of Cheese-Its.

Shouldn't it be required for all travelers to shower and wear deodorant?
But honestly, everything from that point forward went perfectly! We got to spend some quality time with my in-laws, and we enjoyed a cookout on their back screened-in porch. Always a good time!
We went to my dad's the next morning and then went out to dinner with my mom and step-dad. There was this new Mongolian BBQ restaurant we wanted to try...and let me tell you, it was phenomenal. So many options, and the food was quite amazing!
Of course I spent quite a bit of my time studying for my PRESENTATION that I had to give first-thing when I returned from my VACATION! And, we also hit up some of our favorites: Mr. Goodcents and Quik Trip gas stations for their annual 49 cent 32 oz. fountain drinks - My all time summer fave!
Finally, we went a beautiful wedding. CONGRATULATIONS Katie and Brian! I can completely relate to this wonderful couple because they had to go through the whole long distance thing just like Mr. Ruby and I. And finally...they can be together! :)
It was so amazing to see my besties - it made Mr. Ruby and I realize how much we miss our awesome pals! LOVE YOU ALL!
My cutie and I hanging at the wedding
All of my beautiful sorority sisters - LOVE MY ADPI's!
The beautiful bride - most amazing dress ever!!!
Miss my gals :(
Getting down on the dance floor
Bridesmaids showing their moves
So, as you can see...we had a fab time at the wedding. Kansas weddings never let us down. :)
We got back at midnight last night, I gave my presentation today (and yes, it went well), and tomorrow morning I leave for Vegas for a recruiting conference.
I'm never ever going to catch up on sleep or life...
Gosh you are a busy girl! Glad you had fun!
Great photos, LOVE your dress!!
Wow, you are a busy girl! Glad you had a nice weekend. It is always fun to see family and friends!
Looks like you had a great weekend! And I love that dress you're wearing
I literally lol'd when I read your description of the guy who smelled -- gross! Looks like you had a wonderful time... LOVE that pink dress!! Is it Calvin Klein bc I think I have the same one in black! :)
such fun pics you look beautiful! that is so terrible with the smelly man on the plane! my hubby would have done the same thing, haha! sounded like such a fun weekend!
Glad you had fun and your presentation went well.
Looks like you had a fabulous trip! Your dress is gorgeous!!
Totally your luck that you had to sit by the smelly guy. Plane ride are never fun...but I can't even imagine! I hope it didn't last too long...
So glad to hear that your presentation went well. It sucks you had to work on it while you were at home...but it's over now! Vegas baby :)
Ang- glad you had a fun trip home! Which mongolian restaurant did you try - huhot or genghis khan? Brian and I tried huhot on Sunday and loved it - we might have just missed you and Gabe! Hope you have a great time in Vegas.
I'm glad you had such a fabulous trip! My trips home always go by way too quickly too!
I love your pink dress!!
There was a time, and mind you I've lived it, that you only get Mongolian BBQ on the left coast. I'm glad to see that they're spreading east (like all the cool trends) and anticipate widespread Mongolian BBQ options in the Atlanta area by 3Q 2013.
Sounds like your one busy bee. I hate people who smell on planes. I sat next to a woman who looked very respectable dressed in her business suit and carrying her Wall Street Journal - and then I smelled her...and all that comes to mind is what the homeless pigeon woman in Home Alone 2 must have smelled like.
So I did laugh out load when I saw the picture of him trying to escape the smell........
Glad you had a good time though!
Ok Bro! Much better suit combo from the last wedding. Your welcome on my advice.
Ang, of all the hotties at the wedding... you looked the best!!!
My brother is one lucky guy!! Im a bit jealous! haha
Love you and miss you both.
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