Week 32: 03/24/13 - 03/30/13
Well, I'm fighting off a case of the mid-week blues.
Not sure if it's this gloomy weather.
Or the fact that Lyla has been a grumpy bean for the past week.
I'm pretty sure it's just the weather.
It's rather painful to go from practically-smiling sunshine-filled skies on a beautiful Easter Sunday.
To waking up at 4:30 a.m. to a pitch-black, sleet-shooting Monday morning.
Kansas, you are such a tease.
And speaking of the weather, Miss Beans' schedule is a bit thrown.
Still trying to figure it all out from Daylight Savings Time.
Ly pretty much begs me to go to bed by 6:30.
Then she realizes it's still light outside.
So, she lies in her bed giggling and playing with her feet for a good hour.
It's cute and all.
But I wish she'd rather be spending that precious time with me.
Not her toes.
And all that playing around gets dangerous in there.
Because I'm a terrible mother.
And still haven't gotten bumpers for the crib.
I should be scoping out Amazon.
But instead I'm blogging.
I'm pretty sure Chunkin's thigh is stuck as we speak...
And she's adopted another sweet little quirk.
She's started rubbing and patting her right ear...a lot.
At first I thought it might be an ear infection.
But she showed absolutely no other symptoms.
And she's been doing it for 3 weeks now.
Mostly while nursing.
So of course I referenced the almighty Google.
Lots of people said it's a comfort thing for some babies.
Still keeping my eye on it.
But it's pretty cute.
In other Bean news, we've got a clapper.
All thanks to GiGi.
Because GiGi and Bean love to play pat-a-cake.
Ly even "marks it with a b".
It's the sweetest thing I've ever seen.
Other fun happenings this week?
A play date with the always-dapper Henry.
The babes got to go on a neighborhood "easter egg hunt" together.
*Which resulted in Lyla and Henry being given two courtesy-eggs because we missed the actual hunt due to oversleeping babies (ahem...Lyla).
And Lyla's first Easter with the fam.
Woke up and went to church for the first time since Ly was born.
We are officially those people.
The ones who go to church only on Easter.
*In our defense, Gabe worked Sundays when Lyla was first born...and now service is smack-dab in the middle of Lyla's nap time. excuses, excuses. *
But Jesus Loves Me, this I know.
And after church, we went to Gabe's parents.
Soaked up some sunshine.
Dined al fresco.
Chatted and laughed with family.
Enjoyed Easter basket goodies.
Took an obnoxious amount of pictures.
All in all?
A ball.
Now, spring.
Come back.