I know everyone says it every. single. year.
But I really mean it.
Christmas came
way too quickly this year.
During a normal Christmas season, I can be caught at any given time watching Love Actually, Home Alone and a Christmas Story. I can be heard belting out "Santa Baby" and "All I want for Christmas is You." I can be caught divulging in way too much egg nog and Christmas cookies.
But this year, I'm not sure where my Christmas spirit is.
My life has been busier than ever before...and I guess I just haven't really even taken in all of Christmas in it's glory. We're not even sending out Christmas cards this year. TERRIBLE!
Oh, and you know what else dampened my Christmas mood? Going to see the new Christmas Carol movie. It was terrible. (And I even saw it in 3D). It was dark, scary, depressing, and very odd. Not your typical Christmas lifter-upper. I mean, I'm all about artistic creativity when it comes to movies...but this was just weird. I even saw a family leave with their child.
Does this look like Christmas to you?

So, in order to rummage up some much-needed Christmas jollies, (that I know are just waiting to burst out at any given moment), I'm going to think about the things that always make me excited.