I'm not quite sure how this was one year ago.
Yay - my most favorite post of the year is here!
I love going back and re-reading posts, laughing at moments I had forgotten about, nodding my head in agreement as I remember specific feelings at certain markers on the 2013 timeline.
After all, that is the purpose of blogging.
However, sifting through so many memories can be daunting.
Because I'm not much of a scanner.
I like to savor, truly bask in and appreciate whatever it is I'm doing.
This is why I drink coffee from a French Press or prefer reading an actual book over the Kindle.
But when it comes to writing a year-in-review for a year like 2013, it could easily take two weeks.
Instead I have one nap time.
So this is my best shot at re-capping a few of 2013's best moments.
... After months of *lots* of crying and sleepless nights, we finally figured out Lyla's tummy issues last January. Being the new parents that we were, I only regret not taking her to the chiropractor sooner. But the issue was resolved, and we haven't had one problem since.
... Hands down, my most favorite memory of last year was The Blizzard of Oz. That period of my life was a very dark one, as I was desperately grasping at straws trying to find work-life balance with a new baby. So when we had four SNOW DAYS in a row, I did more than a happy dance. I mean the timing was impeccable. The adrenaline rush of waking up every morning to check the news was exhilarating, and the extra time cooped up in the house with my baby was a very unexpected, and very much-needed gift.
... Some of our most favorite people came into town, and of course none of those visitors were there to see Gabe and Me. ;) Last spring, our best friends from Rhode Island came in to meet Ly for the first time. This spring, we will be returning the favor with a visit as they will be welcoming Lyla's first "cousin", a sweet baby girl.
... I somehow survived this. Looking back, I truly don't know how I was able to manage all that I did. But I am so thankful for the challenges {most of which I brought on myself} I faced last year as I don't think I would be as grateful for my family as I am today. I am a different *stronger* woman than I was one year ago.
... We celebrated many significant life events. Including but not limited to weddings, showers, first birthdays, returning of friends to our hometown, and new life. What a year of joy!
... We had an unforgettable summer - last day of school for mom {which unbeknownst to me at the time would be my last last day of school ever}, endless baby playdates, swimming lessons, ice cream stops, trips to the zoo, picnics, and plenty of dining al fresco.

**The pic above is one of my all-time favorites. Lyla's with her bestie visiting a new {at the time} not-yet-been-opened ice cream shop in town. We marked how many scoops tall they were, but now, it's difficult to find their measurements as the wall is completely covered with names. But, they're there. And Ly and B were the very first babes!
... We went on our first family vacation of three, which also included Lyla's first trip on an airplane. Although she slept for a grand total of 20 minutes of the 11 hour trip, including a middle-of-the-night wakeup call, a one hour car ride and two layovers, she was an angel. But it was so worth it to be able to introduce her to our second home and family...and the beach.
... Our favorite little toddles-mcgoo turned ONE! And we had one classy celebration for our special, classy lady.
... One month later, I bid farewell to my twenties and said hello to the big 3-Oh. Luckily, my sweetheart of a hubby softened the blow with a surprise party that I'm still not quite sure how he pulled off.
... We enjoyed our favorite pumpkin-filled season by jam-packing a slew of fun fall activities, like going to an orchard, taking an annual trip to Walter's Pumpkin Patch, throwing our first {and definitely not our last} tailgate pumpkin party, and celebrating Halloween with friends.
... And most recently, we gave a lot of thanks by kicking off Thanksgiving at the Farm and ending the year with the best Christmas ever.
So, 2014. It might not be the easiest feat to bring the same joy that 2013 offered. But it's at least worth a shot.
Looking forward to getting to know you better.

Test 2.
Love seeing your year in review. Hope you have a Happy New Year!
Love this! What a great year you guys have had!
I love this! :) You've had quite the year!!!!!
She is sooo cute!!!! Love her sweet smile! -Grace
I have loved getting to "know" your family this past year!! Can't get enough of your sweet girl, she's beautiful!! Happy New Year!! :)
Great post!
I always love reading & writing recap post! And I think your point is 100% correct, that is after all the reason we all blog, to have a written record and to help remember all the "stuff"
Can't wait to see what 2014 brings you after such a fabulous year!
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