See how productive I am?
I'm covering three major family events all in one post.
That's how I roll. At least as of lately. For the last, oh, three and a half months or so.
I pretty much save everything for a day when "I feel well" or "have the energy". But so far, that day hasn't really arrived. So that simply means we consistently have around 7 loads of laundry at a time and the blog milestones pile up so much that I have to cover from present day to Lyla's 21st birthday in one post.
And just in case you missed the social media announcement, we're expecting. As in baby #2. And we are just sure Lyla is going to be the best big sis ever. Even though it completely confuses her when I tell her "there's a baby in Mommy's tummy". And the fact that she cries every time I hold a newborn. Regardless, we're excited. And I promise to give a real update on the ol pregnancy soon. When I "have the energy". {Sigh}.
What would an egg hunt be without blue jelly bean juice dripping down your brand new easter dress?
That being said, my sweet girl is 20 months old. And no, I don't go around telling people she's 20 months old. Because that's obnoxious. She's "a year and a half". But, actually, I've slipped a few times and felt embarrassed. When a stranger asks how old she is, they want to know in years, not months. Because that's simply too much math.
Anyway...this has obviously been my favorite month. I'm not kidding when I say that I've never, ever seen Lyla as happy as she's been this month. I mean, we have an overall pretty happy kid. But this month, she's been spending a lot of time outside, and she is head.over.heels. She runs around, collects rocks, chases the dogs, picks flowers, throws her ball, and picks up grass and blows it out of her hands (a trick she learned from Dad). She runs around in circles, talks to the birds, and laughs hysterically at pretty much every sound she hears. Oh, and she loves dining al fresco. Just like mom and dad.

And oh my, the vocabulary! It has exploded this month. She's still only saying two-word simple sentences, like greetings, but it's so fun to hear all the words she knows. I can no longer track the words she says and am constantly surprised by the connections she makes. A few weeks ago, she was working on her shape puzzle by herself, and I peeked in at her. She was placing the star and heart into the proper spots and actually said "star" and "heart". I couldn't believe it! I think I've mentioned those shapes once or twice. Or the other night before bed, she was pointing to and naming all the letter "A's" on my shirt. Or this morning, she was excitedly making monkey noises at the grocery store. I kept looking around to see if there was a picture of a monkey somewhere. Sure enough, there was a teeny-tiny stuffed monkey hanging about 10 feet away. Then she pointed to his long fingers and exclaimed "TOES"!
But I'm quite sure her new favorite pastime is officially hunting for easter eggs. Oh the joy it brings! I'm not even completely sure how she knew what to do, but she was instinctively a master hunter. My mom works at a nursing home, and they hosted an easter egg hunt for the families. It was Ly's very first hunt. Usually, she's the last one to chime in and participate, but she bolted out ready to FIND HER EGGS before the hunt even began.
Luckily, we had three more egg hunts after that one.
Hunt #2
Unfortunately, I don't have a good picture of Ly actually "hunting" because 1. The Kansas winds were blowing approximately 60 mph. 2. There were about 200 kids in the age 1-3 group {and Ly doesn't love big groups}. 3. This was the start of an undetected double ear infection. 4. This was her second hunt of the day. And she was sort of over it. Until she got her lollipop.
Ly and her best buds she's known since they were in their mamas' wombs. See. Look how much fun she's having.
Hunt #3
Ly got together with her best buddy, Cal. Always a good time with this little lad. These two have also known each other since they were little beans in their mamas' bellies.
Someone started getting confident and decided to be an egg-hog.
Hunt #4
This Easter was just perfect. Church service with the fam, dyeing easter eggs with Grams, waking up to a fun-filled easter basket, and dining on cranky turkey sandwiches with the grandparents.
And some pretty nice weather to boot.
Oh, and a healthy little nugget on the way.
Congrats again! It sounds like you had lots to celebrate this weekend! Lyla is so smiley, just like her mama! :)
Congratulations!! I completely missed your social media annoucement! It looks like you and I will due around the same time so I'll be coming to you for advice :)
Congratulations! Hope you are doing well.
Yay, congrats!!!
Congrats on your pregnancy! I can't wait to hear more about the new baby!!!
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I can feel your excitement as you start another chapter of your motherhood. I hope you’ll be able to update us more about your pregnancy in your next posts. Thanks for the share!
BTW, you’ve had a lovely Easter Hunt! I wish I was able to attend your party. Hehe! Just kidding. :)
Adam Heller
Congratulations! You're very adorable family is about to have a plus one, which is such great news! I'm loving the picture, in which little Lyla is holding the easter eggs with the words "big sis." I think she's just anxious about it, that's why she cries, but I'm sure she'll be as excited as everyone, especially once she understands the baby-in-tummy issue. Hahaha! I'm sure the new baby would look as beautiful as you if she's a girl, or as handsome as his dad, if he turns out to be a boy. Stay healthy and best wishes! Elli Degennaro @ Centennial ObGyn
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