Monday, June 6, 2011

Who knew

So, I figured I'd have a relaxing summer.

Considering I don't, ya know, have a full-time job.

But au contraire.

I am beyond busy.

My life really only consists of one of five things:

*Applying for jobs


*Studying (still workin on that masters)

*House stuff: demoing, painting, spending all my money

*Attending some type of event: Junior League, Baby Shower, Wedding etc. etc.

Does life ever slow down? And how the heck does one keep this up with (gasp) kids?!?!

My Summer:

This represents the current state of about 1/3 of our house. Ugh.

Summer calendar = completely full (and there are still more invites on the way)

Happy Monday, Lovelies! It's almost Tuesday...

1 comment:

Lauren said...

you should be adding one more invite up there in about 10 days :)